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Turkish Dessert: Fırın sütlaç (#Turkish bake rice pudding)

Resep dalam bhs İndonesia ada dibagian bawah

Selam everybody.....Merhaba from Turkey.

Today I will introduce you to one of Turkish dessert which I believe can cheer up you and family after dinner. It's also our family's fave dessert 
This dessert made from rice and milk with strong cinnamon flavor. There is also non bake version of this sütlaç but I prefer bake version. With slightly burn on the surface gives such a wonderful caramelized taste...it's just tooooo good to skip it after dinner dessert.

I had previous post about this sütlaç before that you can check here. You can use that recipe or this one..  Or you can try  Fırın sütlaç with mastic gum here....Just tell me which one you prefer. Serve cold even better with sprinkle  of cinnamon powder.

- ¾ cup rice, washed and drained
- 1 ¼ cup granulated sugar
- 1 cinnamon stick
- Pinch of salt
- ± 700 ml milk
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch, dissolved in water.

How to make:
1. Cook rice and cinnamon in a ± 4 cups of water until the rice is tender (porridge look a like).
2. Once the rice is soft, put in sugar, salt and milk, Stir and boil. Then mix the cornstarch solution, stirring until blended. Turn off the heat.
3. Put it in a heat-resistant bowl (I use 250 ml). Place in a pan of hot water (water bath) and broil in the oven until browned surface.
4. Refrigerate before serving.

Check other sütlaç recipe here and here.

Bahasa Indonesia

ini resepnya, dicoba ya.
 - ¾ cup beras, cuci bersih
- 1 ¼ cup gula pasir 
- 1 batang kayu manis
- Sejumput garam
- ±700 ml susu cair
- 1 sdm penuh maizena, larutkan dengan air secukupnya.

Cara membuat:
1. Masak beras dan kayu manis dalam ± 4 gelas air hingga beras lunak (hampir seperti bubur).
2. Setelah beras menjadi lunak, masukkan gula, garam dan susu cair, aduk hingga rata dan mendidih. Lalu campurkan larutan maizena sambil diaduk hingga rata. Matikan api.
3. Masukkan ke dalam mangkok tahan panas (saya gunakan ukuran 250 ml). Letakkan di Loyang berisi air dan broil dalam oven hingga permukaannya kecoklatan.
4. Simpan dalam lemari es sebelum dihidangkan.

Check my other YUMMY recipe

Damla Sakızlı Fırın Sütlaç (Turkish Rice Pudding with mastic gum)


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