♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Kentang Isi (Stuffed Potato)

Today I'd like to share one of my family daily menu. This meal is very easy and nutritious..... Like me, who has kids at home must be very much dizzy to arrange nutritious menu for them, right?
This is also very practical for our children's lunch box or just for family picnic. You can vary the stuffing ingredients with your family's favorite. Start of vegetables until meat or even you have canned tuna.

  • 6 medium sized potatoes
  • Boneless chicken about 200 grams, boiled and cut into small pieces (or shredded)
  • 2 medium carrots, boiled and cut into small cubes
  • 2 green onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 tablespoon butter at room temperature
  • 1 tbsp milk powder
  • cheddar cheese 100 gr + 100 gr (grated), more if you like
  • garlic powder around 2 tsp
  • pepper powder 1/2 tsp or to taste
  • salt to taste
  • small pinch of sugar
  • chopped celery for sprinkling

 How to make:

  1. Cook the potatoes until soft/ tender. You can either boil or steam it or wrap it with aluminum foil and then baked in the oven. Peel and scoop the middle part resembles a bowl, reserving about half cm thickness. Wrap in aluminum. Set aside.
  2.  With a potato masher, puree that scooped potato and mix it with chicken, butter, green onion, milk powder, 100 grams of grated cheese, and spices. Mix well, test the taste.
  3. Stuff that mixture back to the " potato bowl " and sprinkle with the remaining grated cheese. Bake in preheated oven at 190 deg C for about 30 minutes then last 5  minutes set the oven to broil position. Serve hot with a sprinkling of chopped celery.

We love to enjoy them with ketchup and mayonnaise. 
You can very much vary this meal with any variety of vegetables: broccoli, peas, corn, mushrooms, etc. Or replace the chicken with minced meat (briefly sauteed with onions) or canned tuna.

This post also join in NCC Pangan Lokal Week (Local culinary Food Week). This Culinary event gathered to celebrate NCC's 1 decade.

Bahasa Indonesia

  • 6 buah kentang ukuran sedang
  • Ayam tanpa tulang sekitar 200 gr, rebus dan potong kecil-kecil (atau suwir)
  • 2 wortel ukuran sedang, rebus dan potong kotak kecil
  • 2 daun bawang, iris tipis
  • 1 sdm mentega suhu ruang
  • 1 sdm susu bubuk
  • keju cheddar sekitar 100 gr + 100 gr (parut)
  • bubuk bawang putih sekitar 2 sdt
  • bubuk merica 1/2 sdt atau sesuai selera
  • garam sesuai selera
  • sedikit gula
  • seledri cincang untuk taburan
Cara membuat:

  1. Masak kentang hingga matang dan empuk. Bisa direbus atau dikukus atau dipanggang dalam oven. Kupas dan keruk bagian tengahnya menyerupai mangkuk, sisakan daging kentang sekitar ketebalan 1/2 cm. Bungkus dengan alumunium foil bagian yang tidak berlubang. Sisihkan.
  2. Haluskan daging kentang yang dikeruk tadi hingga halus, campur dengan kentang, ayam, mentega, daun bawang, susu bubuk, parutan keju 100 gr dan bumbu-bumbu lainnya. Aduk hingga rata, cicipi rasanya. 
  3. Masukkan kembali ke "mangkok kentang" dan taburi dengan sisa keju parut. Oven kurleb 30 mnt suhu 190 C dan 5 mnt terakhhit Set oven pada posisi broil , panggang hingga keju leleh. Sajikan dengan taburan daun seledri cincang.

Sajikan hangat dengan saos sambal/ saus tomat/ mayones

Variasikan dengan berbagaii sayuran: brokoli, kacang polong, jagung pipil, jamur, dll . Atau ganti ayam dengan daging cincang (ditumis sebentar dengan bawang bombay) atau tuna kalengan.

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